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Life Insurance - Final Expense Coverage

Life Insurance | Final Expense

Final expense life insurance is popular with seniors because of its affordable price, smaller benefit amounts, and emphasis on covering funeral costs.

What Is Final Expense Insurance?

Final expense insurance typically has a smaller death benefit and is easier to apply and possibly get approved. Final expense insurance is sometimes referred to as “funeral insurance,” “burial insurance,” “simplified issue whole life insurance,” or “modified whole life insurance.”


Final expense insurance is a whole life policy that pays medical bills and funeral expenses when you die. It’s also known as burial or funeral insurance. It’s a popular choice among seniors.

Most final expense plans have these features:

  • Whole life insurance – no expiration if premiums are paid

  • Cash value – insured may be able to take out a policy loan

  • Fixed premiums as long as they’re paid

  • Simplified issue – usually no medical exam (also called a life insurance exam) is required, just health questions on the application

  • Easy application process
    Fast approvals – coverage can often be issued in days

  • Affordable rates

According to the National Funeral Directors Association, the median cost of a funeral can be over $9,000. With no way to pay for these expenses, surviving loved ones often experience a financial burden during a time of intense grief.

Is this type of insurance coverage right for you and for your family? Give us a call today or request a consumer guide to learn more. You'll be glad you did. 


Life Insurance - Final Expense Coverage
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