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Accessibility Statement
This website is designed to provide accessibility, as outlined in Title III of the American Disabilities Act, Accessibility Statement, to all visitors interested in learning more about informational subjects, blogs, services, products, videos, and or portfolio items identified throughout the website.
To help enhance visitor accessibility, we will use audio, video, humantars, and Avatars, like what you see here, to describe services, products, disclaimers, or other third-party backlinks or sourced informational content.
Outside sourced links, backlinks or page re-directs may not have the same visitor accessibility engagements.
Enable audio or video, some files throughout the site may require the site visitor to select the play button or Icon.
Upon written request, the site content, including but not limited to the privacy, cookies statement, and terms of use, may be provided in multilingual translations and or displayed in the preferred browser language selected by the site visitor.
If cookies are used, you can also choose to opt out or opt-in of any cookies acknowledgement.
This site was designed but not managed by:
Adaptive Marketing Group, LLC.,
DBA -Adaptive Marketing Resources.
Palm Bay, Florida.
The registered site domain and ownership contact information are identified in the footer of this website.
You are welcome to contact the website owner through either the contact page, email, or phone number located within this website.
The content is subject to Trademark and Copyright laws.
Updated January 2025.
Microsoft Applications Accessibility Reference.
Accessibility in Windows 11 and Windows 10 Pro - Windows apps
This page provides the information to get started developing accessible Windows apps.
Google Accessibility Reference.
Accessibility content and links for Google websites.
Apple Accessibility Reference
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