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Caring Conversation | Punch in the face.

Caring Conversation

As Mike Tyson said, "Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face." 

A family crisis can feel like a punch in the face. As family members age, their health and independence may change suddenly or gradually over time. Creating an established financially stable care plan will help to avoid that punch in the face.

Structured steps help us organize and prioritize tasks and responsibilities. They also offer comfort and stability, serving as anchors in a world that keeps changing. Conversations about future care needs are hard to start and equally hard to bring to a meaningful conclusion. 

Using a process in which everyone participates and has a role creates a plan that leads to better outcomes when older family members need assistance. Using the three steps in this book means families (no matter how you define family) create a process to ‘help’ instead of ‘handle’ others.

Therefore to help you learn more...

I'm gifting, to you, a copy this Amazon Best Seller Book.

To get your copy of "How Not To Pull Your Family Apart", as my gift to you, simply drop me a note below with your name and information.

Or, if you prefer to contact me directly, either send me by email, text or call me. My contact information is located in the footer of this page. I'll respond within 24 hours, it not sooner.


Caring Conversation | Punch in the face.
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Dr. Arnetta



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